24 January 2024

There are two different ways to buy a new hosting plan. The first is to find the hosting package you are interested in on our website. You can then click the Buy Now button and complete the order. If you don’t have an account with us yet then you can create an account during the checkout process.

Alternatively, you can by a new hosting plan via Services » Order New Services in your billing account. You can also go straight to billing.catalyst2.com/cart.php.

An images showing hosting plan you can buy via your billing account. In the image I have selected Linux Shared Hosting as the category. This lists all hosting plans in the category, with an Order Now button for each of the options.
You can buy a new hosting plan via your billing account.

Choosing a domain

Every hosting plan needs to have domain name. So, the next step is to choose a domain for the hosting plan. The forms gives you three options:

  • Register a new domain lets you buy a brand new domain name (i.e. a domain name that doesn’t exist yet).
  • Transfer your domain from another registrar can be used to move an existing domain registration to us.
  • I will use my existing domain and update my nameservers / DNS lets you pick a domain name without buying or transferring the domain.

We recommend the third option if you are not sure. You can always sort the domain registration after you have bought a hosting plan – you don’t have to buy or transfer a domain name at this stage.

An image of the page where you choose the domain for the hosting plan. Here, I have selected the third option.
The ‘I will use my existing domain’ is the most flexible, as you can always link your preferred domain to your hosting plan later.

It is also worth noting that it is perfectly fine to have a hosting plan with us and a domain name with a different company (or vice versa). They don’t have to be in the same place.

Another thing to note is that there are two fields for the domain: the first part is for the name itself and the second is for the domain extension. So, if you want to use the domain example.com, enter “example” in the first field and “com” in the second.

Configuring your hosting plan

Next, you can configure your hosting plan. The main option on this page is the billing cycle; for most hosting plans you can pay either monthly or annually (the only exception is the “Mega Deal”, which is always billed annually).

An option of the configuration page. Here, you can choose to pay either monthly or annually.
On the ‘Configure’ page you can choose if you want to pay monthly or annually.

Checking out

And finally, you can complete the order on the Checkout page. If there is a debit or credit card on your account then you can use that card to pay the invoice. Other payment options include Paypal and funds on your account.

An image of the checkout. In the image, the invoice is paid using a credit balance on the account. In that case you can simply click the Complete Order button.
Buying a new hosting plan using an available credit balance.