If you are an upcoming web designer, it’s likely that you are keen on expanding your services so that you can continue to be successful. If you didn’t know already, which is unlikely as a web designer, all websites need to be powered through a web host so that they can remain online and visible for the public. 

Going back to web designers as an example, they can also offer web hosting to some degree through a reseller hosting package, but before you go with any web hosting provider, here are a few things to keep an eye out for when setting up a reseller account. 

An overview of reseller hosting

Before we go any further, it might be worth clarifying what reseller hosting in the UK really means. Reseller hosting is essentially when you purchase the bandwidth, disk space and all else commonly within a hosting package from a hosting company, but proceed to sell it onto your own customers or a third party. As mentioned, this is ideal for website developers, as it means that they design the website, as well as proceed to sell them hosting packages to generate more business and money for themselves.

High uptime rates

Having said that, when you are looking around for reseller hosting in the UK, it’s important not to choose a provider based just on the price. The first, and often most critical component to look at is their uptime rate. For reference, the uptime is the percentage of the time that their servers are online for, and for that reason, you should never consider a provider that has less than 99% uptime.

Custom packages that you create

Just like a normal web hosting provider would offer you multiple packages to keep you interested, it’s important that you also do the same. What we mean by this is that they should allow you to create custom packages that you create, ultimately offering several reseller plans but from one provider, even though you are the one offering the services. 

Failing to offer several hosting plans yourself is likely to prevent the number of customers that you can reach, after all, clients prefer to have the option to look around different packages to see what they can obtain. 

Security is essential

Unfortunately, as the internet continues to thrive, the number of hackers also does. For that reason, all reseller hosting providers must include optimal security measures within their reseller plans, otherwise, you are risking putting your client’s data at risk if their websites are secure. For reference, a few of the most common security measures that should be incorporated include daily backups, firewalls and SSL certificates amongst several others. 

Technical support ready to help

You are likely dealing with enough issues as a web developer, which is why you wouldn’t want to be dealing with even more if the hosting fails with one of your new websites. 

For that reason, it’s suggested to look for a reseller hosting provider that offers suitable technical support around the clock so that you aren’t left without the support you need. Ideally, the hosting provider will offer 24-hour customer support, after all, websites are active and visible throughout day and night, which is why suitable hosting support should also be. 

Contact the experts

Fortunately for those that are interested in reseller hosting in the UK, Catalyst2 is here to help. Having been established for over two decades, we are one of the nations most reputable hosting providers thanks to our high-quality hosting solutions and first-class customer service. Looking at reseller hosting once more, we offer three different levels which offer different features and capabilities, enabling you to select a package that suits your needs. 

To find out more, we suggest giving our team a call today on 0800 107 7979, where one of our specialists will be on hand to confer about your needs and recommend the most suitable plan that we offer. Alternatively, you can also send an email to sales@catalyst2.com, where you can expect a reply within a single working day.