If you are part of an organisation that would like to achieve success in the twenty-first century, it is imperative that you ensure that your firm, from a technical perspective, is immaculate. As you will have seen from the effects of the coronavirus-enforced lockdown, business is incredibly easy to conduct online. It is not difficult to see why, in the past few years, website builders have seen their popularity spike immensely. Not only this, but those that offer fully-managed hosting and a wide-array of servers are seeing their stock rise.

In case you have not come across us in the past, allow us to introduce ourselves – we are catalyst2. Having initially started doing business in the year 2000, our focus has remained on enhancing our client’s online presence, and ensuring that they remain up-to-date on the latest trends. We believe in being open with our audience, as this is something that we have found guarantees the best results. Below, we have compiled a list of the most prominent services that we offer, as well as why it is that they may be beneficial to your firm. We hope that after your reading, you will begin to see why our services are so highly sought-after.


Without a doubt the service bracket which has put catalyst2 on the map, we have always put a high value on our hosting services. The number of packages that we are equipped to provide is, in a word, vast. No matter your needs, we have the equipment and knowledge necessary to implement a plan that will guarantee you an exceptional outcome. It is worth mentioning that the prices of these individual services are nothing ridiculous, and this is because we want to make them accessible to any-and-all companies that need them. This is also, in part, the reason that we have put together an array of options, so that nobody is left behind the curve.

Despite not being the most-recognisable platform that is currently in circulation, Magento hosting has begun to see an influx of users, and we believe that there are numerous reasons as to why this is the case. If you have adopted a role as being an online retailer, you will want to be able to facilitate a smooth-and-seamless process for your clients. The online store that they visit should be easy to use, and ensure that confidential information, such as banking details, are well-protected. With this being a managed service, we will also be able to monitor the performance levels, and increase the power output as-and-when it is required. In the grand scheme of things, this is fantastic, as it means that your loading times will never be forced to suffer when heavy traffic occurs.

As an organisation that is wanting to evolve and expand, you may not have paid much thought to the possibility of paying for email hosting. However, when you delve a little deeper, you will see that there are a number of benefits that come attached to this service. First-and-foremost, you can get the domain name which incorporates your brand name – in terms of recognition, this is invaluable. Not only this, but this will lend an air of credibility to your organisation, as it demonstrates your willingness to succeed. With support available around the clock, your email efficiency will be at an all-time high.


Should you have been running your own website for any substantial length of time, you will already be aware that it is of paramount importance that you choose a server that is reliable and efficient. If this is your first foray into the online side of things, we are more-than happy to elaborate on why it is that you should not be resentful at paying a hefty price for a top-tier server. If, for instance, you were to have access to a large budget, the likelihood is that you will want to be privy to a service which is unmatched from a quality point of view – this is where a managed server comes into play. With this, you will have very little to do in relation to the day-to-day running of your website. Whilst you can create content and submit it for uploading, the technical aspect will be out of your hands.

In terms of the servers that we have in our possession here at catalyst2, you won’t be disappointed by a lack of options. By far-and-away the most popular, at this moment in time, is the cloud hosting. Initially having started out as a way in which to simply store data in an online capacity, it has since evolved into one of the most innovative pieces of technical engineering that can be found on the market. As a cloud host, we offer a diverse array of servers. This, in turn, means that you will never again have to concern yourself about being forced offline at the most inopportune moments. What truly sets this service apart from the others which are available is the fact that, in terms of costs, you will be able to save substantially in the months-and-years that follow. The reason for this is that your overheads are significantly lower, which is never something to pass over.

Although you may not realise it, there is no need to tie yourself into a long-term contract when it comes to servers, particularly if you secure the services of a high-end firm such as catalyst2. Case-and-point, flexible servers have seen their value improve as the years have gone on, and rightfully so. As you would expect, this type of agreement can be arranged to be however long, or short, you need it to be. Should you have a large product launch, for instance, and do not trust the reliability of your existing contractor, a flexible server could be just what you have been looking for. This stop-gap method can allow you to achieve success in quick fashion, after which you can reevaluate your needs and strategise accordingly.

Disaster Recovery

In the past few years, you may have noticed that the stature of disaster recovery services has continued to rise at an exponential rate – this should come as a surprise to no-one. Due to the essential role that your website will likely play in the overall state of your business, you will not wish to be without it at any point. Unfortunately, there are numerous events that can occur which will take your site offline. With the number of cyber attacks spiking, courtesy of the advanced tools and equipment that criminals have access to, you need to do all that you can to prevent them from crippling your firm.

To put it simply, disaster recovery is essentially a comprehensive back-up of all the content that you would usually be able to find on your website. Depending on the package that you were to take out, you would have the freedom to decide when, and how often, your website would conduct this process. For those of you that place a high-value on your website, perhaps because you operate in the e-commerce sector, it is advisable to try and utilise this service once a day. Whilst you may feel this to be a little excessive, the fact of the matter is that it could be the difference between success and failure. Although this will certainly be a little more of a burden from a financial perspective, the results that you can enjoy certainly ensure that it will be worth it in the long-run.

If you come to the conclusion that this is a route that you would like to go down, you will be delighted to learn that catalyst2 has an abundance of experience in this niche field. Something that we have become renowned for, since our early days, is the manner in which we are able to almost-entirely eliminate downtime. No longer will you be forced to assign your IT department to this relatively mundane task. Instead, you can improve their productivity by outsourcing your disaster recovery needs to us. In terms of our consultancy capabilities, we will gladly provide a comprehensive breakdown as to what it is that your website needs, and the reason for this. With the specialist knowledge that we have accumulated during our operations, we are also adept at offering bespoke solutions in this department. Should you have ever befallen a disaster which has completely ruined your online capabilities, have no fear – we will ensure that this will become a distant memory.

Security Measures

As we have already touched upon, the importance of cyber security cannot be understated in the current climate. Particularly when many people are confined to their homes, it is likely that individuals will be searching for quick and easy ways in which to generate an income, even if this crosses the legal line. Thankfully, the defences that can be erected now are second-to-none, and can provide you with some much-needed peace of mind. Safeguarding your website is a step that should not be glossed over, as the results may prove to be catastrophic.

There are a number of ways in which you can go about protecting your site – one such method is to enlist the help of a company, such as catalyst2, which can offer DDOS protection. An acronym for distributed denial-of-service attack, DDOS tactics, in their most basic form, look to try and disrupt and destroy the traffic which flows to your website. Loading times will rise exponentially, causing clients to look elsewhere. One of the best ways to try and deal with this is to put into place a managed web application firewall. Gone will be the days where you will be bombarded by suspicious visitors to your website, that are attempting to upload viruses. No matter the methods that your would-be saboteurs try to employ, they will be thwarted at every turn.

The Next Step

Hosting solutions are becoming an increasingly-popular type of service; by conducting a simple search using any well-known Internet search engine, it will not take long for you to come across numerous companies that can offer you a way in which to run your website. Not only this, but they can enable you to drastically improve the visibility of your firm, which can pay dividends further down the line. Should this be a course of action that you are entertaining, there is only one name that you need to be familiar with, and that is of catalyst2.

Hopefully, after having read through the comprehensive guide provided above, you will have been able to gain an insight into the way that we operate. In the past twenty years, we have forged a reputation for ourselves as being a company that routinely enables your online capabilities to remain running at high performance levels. If you are not quite convinced by these statements, you may perhaps want to spend some time going over our Trustpilot testimonials. These certainly point to us being a leading provider of web hosting services in the UK.

Before you decide to push forward with one of our dedicated server solutions, we encourage you to reach out to a member of our customer support team. They have a comprehensive understanding of our hosting packages, and can answer your questions with ease and clarity. Since we first opened our doors for business, catalyst2 has always sought to operate in a transparent fashion. Whether you decide that you would like to give us a call on 0800 107 7979, or send us a message directly using the email address sales@catalyst2.com, you can be rest-assured that the responses that you will receive will leave you smiling-and-satisfied.