Name: Dr Sheri JacobsonHtlogoregist
Company: Harley Therapy Ltd
Position: Director

A little bit about the company: With a large roster of therapists working across London, Harley Therapy improves the emotional well-being of individuals by connecting them with compassionate and highly skilled therapists. Our goal is to help as many people as possible through talking therapies and to raise the standard of therapy across the UK and internationally.

How long have you been with catalyst2? 5 (great) years.

What made you choose catalyst2? After repeated failings with our previous hosts (Godaddy) we took the recommendation of our web developer to try Catalyst2 after his positive feedback.

Why is it essential that you have a reliable managed dedicated server for the business? Our website is our shop window and we need to feel it’s in reliable hands.

Were there any particular requirements or challenges that led you to catalyst2? We needed a responsive host who would help solve any issues rather than pass the blame on ‘downtime’ or other issues on us as the customer.

At the start – what attracted you to catalyst2 and what is it that keeps you with catalyst2? We were recommended Catalyst2 due to reliability, helpful customer service and excellent uptime.

Give an example of when catalyst2 have gone above and beyond to assist you or when you have had support or customer service that has particularly impressive? We’ve had a number of incidents (our own errors and unrelated to hosting) where Catalyst2 swiftly helped us out. They went beyond their scope of duty to assist.

What does having catalyst2 as your web hosting provider mean to you as a business? Catalyst2 play a key role in keeping our business successful.. Their dedicated package means our site loads very quickly, extending a good experience to those looking to work with us. Catalyst2 offers us great reassurance in knowing that we are well looked after.

In 4 words, describe your overall experience working with catalyst2.

Dependable, proficient/knowledgeable, flexible, exemplary service.