If your digital agency is tired of slow page loading, lack of confidence in server security or absence of support when there is a server crisis, there is another option. Managed web hosting is a fantastic, affordable and cost-effective alternative that will help to optimise your website to boost your success, build your client base and increase revenue.

What can managed web hosting bring to your digital agency?

Super fast service

As a digital agency, you will likely be familiar with the fact that page loading speed is essential for SEO. If you have been frustrated with slow servers that make your pages seemingly take forever to load, then migrating to a new hosting service can not only allow for quicker speeds but will also boost your SEO, making more clients aware of your brand and potentially attracting more customers. This can be very beneficial to your agency, whether it is new or established, as it will allow you to further build your name and reputation.

Extremely secure servers

The high security levels of managed web hosting servers ensure that your data is not compromised. As an ISO27001 certified organisation, catalyst 2 has dedicated time to ensuring that our services are designed to protect your organisation’s data.

If you store financial records, intellectual property and your clients’ personal information, you need to keep your servers secure. Web hosting experts like catalyst 2 can bring you the best security for your website. Not only do we secure your server, but we also monitor the server, back it up and provide you with our full support.

Allows you to focus on clients instead of technology

Managed hosting is essential for digital agencies due to their high traffic, constant demand, and increased pressure for tight security measures to protect sensitive data. As a business, focusing on technological areas outside your comfort zone can tie up essential resources, such as staff, time and money. However, when you choose an experienced and top-quality server host, you can dedicate your time to your business and clients and allow your hosting service to take care of ensuring that your website is optimised for success.

Control and flexibility

With bespoke solutions that are entirely built around your digital agency and business needs, you have full control over your web hosting package. With various flexible solutions, including assistance to install a wide range of custom and off the shelf applications for your site, you can select the set up you prefer, ensuring that your unique requirements will be met.

Greater scalability

With managed web hosting, you will no longer be confined by the parameters of your previous servers. Secure and supported servers give you the ability to adapt to growth and increased demand, boosting your efficiency and putting you one step ahead of your competitors, improving your reputation.

Proactive support and maintenance from your web hosts

At catalyst 2, we monitor our web servers and your application to ensure that any issues are proactively discovered and resolved before they can negatively impact your website.

If you were to employ someone in-house to do the same job, it would be a great drain on your resources. Instead, having experienced professionals perform this role can give your business the opportunity to grow without financial constraints. Any bugs in your code can also be efficiently tracked down and fixed before they cause problems within your site. When you need help to provide coding analysis and advice, your trusted web host can be on hand to meet your needs.

Enjoy a personal relationship with your web hosting service

With our managed web hosting services, you can also benefit from a bespoke, personalised service. This will ensure that your issues are resolved swiftly and easily without the need to wait, minimising website downtime and increasing client satisfaction.

For supported and secure web hosting, get in touch with the team at catalyst 2 today.