In the panoply of Content Management Systems, Umbraco stands apart being one of the few packages geared up to run on Microsoft-based servers. Nevertheless, or perhaps because it runs only on up-to-date systems, Umbraco is a full-featured, flexible, and dynamic CMS which is equally adept deployed on the largest of projects as it is powering the smallest of sites.

If you don’t know Umbraco already, the chances are you know someone who does.

• 443,450 is the number of known, active Umbraco installs globally.
• 220,022 people are active members of the Umbraco community – supporting the development of this open-source software, and developing some of the…
• 320 known, completely free, Umbraco extensions and packages.


Umbraco is built primarily in, and written in C#. The openness and flexibility of this combination means that the platform is easily added to with a range of plugins and means that you can use Umbraco’s full API to integrate just about anything.


Umbraco is designed to put a smile on your face. The editing and content creation experience has been designed from the ground up to be as user-friendly and intuitive as possible, while still incorporating all the features you need to maintain and add to your site. Just a few of the things the Umbraco editor has to offer include:

• Multi-Device Previews, so that you can make sure that your content looks just how you want it to, no matter what device it’s accessed on.
• Scheduled Publishing, because sometimes we all need a holiday!
• Full support for drafts and previews, so you can work on your pages for as long as you need to before publishing.
• An infinite undo button. Content in Umbraco is versioned so, no matter what happens, the last version of your work is always there for you to go back to; and so is any version before that.
• Native media gallery. Because content isn’t just text, Umbraco includes a full featured media gallery with a structured depository, making it easy for you to manage all the images, videos, and other multi-media content required to build your website.
• Built in image editor – for those last minutes crops and filters.
• Full-featured form builder. Great websites start great conversations, that’s why Umbraco includes a form builder which makes it simple to build anything from a simple contact form to the most complex of questionnaires, and manage the results.
• Social Media Integration. Umbraco includes controls to help you decide how your content appears on social media, including the ability to specify the appearance of Twitter and Facebook posts and content cards.
• As well as much, much more including user management, branding, and personalisation.

Why catalyst2

At catalyst2 we offer Umbraco hosting, specially optimized to make the most of this phenomenal CMS platform. Our Windows servers are constantly monitored, and we apply patches and updates as soon as they are available.

Our UK based support team are available around the clock to assist you however you need, including:

• A full migration service, handling all the hard work involved in moving from your existing host to Catalyst2.
• A response within 30 minutes to any email or support ticket you send, within working hours – because we know your time is important to you.
• For our managed hosting customers, we’ll reply to any query you make to our freephone support number in five minutes or less, no matter what time of the day or night you call us.

Most importantly, our team will work with you to solve whatever problems and difficulties you may come across as you build, launch, and maintain your site, and we promise to do it without using too much jargon or technical lingo. In short, at catalyst2, we’re here to serve you.