If you own a business, or are starting a new one, then you should never underestimate how important it is to have a website. Nowadays you are unlikely to get much new business unless you are online. However, just because you are a business owner doesn’t mean you have the skills to build a website. Trying to run a business while learning html, JavaScript and any other computing languages you may need to build a website will be very difficult, and with modern website builders, you shouldn’t have to do this.

MotoCMS is a fantastic website builder that will let you build professional quality sites without the need to learn complex coding or about graphic design. The drag and drop editing feature will allow you to produce professional quality websites with minimum effort. MotoCMS’s eCommerce plugin will let you set up and manage an online store with ease, and our software supports extremely responsive websites, so your customers don’t get bored and click off because the page is taking too much time to load. Read on for a more in depth look at MotoCMS’s features, and ideas on how they could benefit you and your business today.


Drag and drop builder

No time to learn to code? Don’t worry about it, MotoCMS’s drag and drop feature negates the need for any coding know how. Drag and drop photos, blocks of text, graphics and other vital content onto the page and activate them for customers to see in seconds. You are in complete control of your website and the way it looks.

Responsive design

If you are designing a website by yourself, you will need to have the knowledge to make sure it displays correctly on all devices, as you don’t want customers ignoring your product as your website is difficult to read on their screen. MotoCMS enables your website to display correctly on all devices automatically, which is another job you don’t need to do, freeing up more time to develop your business.

eCommerce functionality

MotoCMS’s eCommerce functionality allows you to run a professional looking online store that can be managed with minimum effort. The platform provides tax and shipping settings, a product catalogue that allows you to search or filter, flexible payment options to attract customers of all budgets, and secure payment and checkout options to allow your customers to shop with confidence, and return to you again and again.

SEO and optimisation features

MotoCMS’s provides SEO tips and advice, allowing you to market your website to the right people and gain new customers. The MotoCMS platform will highlight what SEO keywords you will need to use, and how to insert these into your marketing pieces for maximum impact. MotoCMS can integrate seamlessly with your existing marketing strategy.

Additional features

Along with all of these fantastic features, the MotoCMS platform has so much more for you to explore. There is lots of built-in widgets and tools to choose, from in-built videos, allowing you to showcase new merchandise, to maps, social media features, contact forms and integration features. No matter what your business or product, MotoCMS has a feature to suit you. If you are unsure of how to use any of the features, Catalyst 2 is here to help you.

Get in touch

If you are interested in us hosting the MotoCMS website building platform, get in touch with catalyst2 today who can advise further and show you how to use the fantastic tools that this platform provides. Our experienced advisors will talk you through MotoCMS, or one of our other options that may suit your business better. Don’t delay, get in touch today to push your business to the next level.