catalyst2 is proud to announce that we have recently added the ultra-fast LiteSpeed software to our servers. LiteSpeed is a web acceleration solution that vastly improves performance and scalability while simultaneously providing robust WAF and effective DDoS attack protection.

Why should you consider LiteSpeed?

There are tons of excellent reasons why you should consider implementing the LiteSpeed software technology. Top of the list comes performance and security. LiteSpeed technology will:

1. Increase the overall performance of your server and websites.
2. Improve server security, including protection from DDoS attacks.

What can LiteSpeed do for you?

With LiteSpeed enabled you’ll see a noticeable difference in server-wide performance, particularly when you compare how fast your web pages load.

Both page load times and Google Page Speed results will show significant improvements that will not only boost your SEO but will significantly enhance the user experience of your site visitors.

LiteSpeed’s performance boosting software changes everything. For the better.

From clustering to website hosting and for site owners, LiteSpeed’s software solutions offer the most innovative web-caching acceleration currently available. Able to be cloud-deployed to provide high-availability clusters on an enterprise scale across distributed data centres.

With rapidly reduced response times and notably increased capacity, LiteSpeed comes with control panel plugins that make deployment and configuration as easy as a walk in the park. LiteSpeed cache solutions deliver thunderbolt fast applications while at the same time offering higher security with its onboard features for DDoS protection.

Whether Magneto, WordPress, WooCommerz or any other popular web application, LiteSpeed cuts server load times by up to 50% while literally doubling the capacity of existing software. Building superior premium services for your clients has never been easier.

Even more benefits of the LiteSpeed technology include:

  • Reduced operating costs
  • One-click cache acceleration
  • Control panel integration
  • Zero downtime maintenance
  • Apache replacement drop-in
  • CloudLinux integration
  • DC-wide high availability
  • Server-wide caching solutions
  • E-Commerce caching
  • Open source solutions
  • Cross-datacentre replication
  • High-availability failover
    and much, much more.

How much does LiteSpeed cost?

Right now, catalyst2 is offering a 10-day free trial of the LiteSpeed technology. After that, you can enjoy all of the amazing solutions that come with the LiteSpeed software starting at just £35 per month. If you’d like to start your free trial or learn more about LiteSpeed, then send us an email and we’ll get back to you pronto. Act now and take advantage of LiteSpeed’s software solutions so you can enjoy the peace of mind of being one step ahead of your competitors.