As part of our commitment to always improve the customer experience we are in the process of migrating all customers onto newer servers and off older control panels.

This means all your site, email, databases etc are going to be migrated in the near future.

For the most part we don’t require any input from you however we may need you to update your DNS.

If you have any queries at all please let us know.

Frequently asked questions

Why is this happening?

We are moving your site to newer servers that has more reliable, faster and more secure.

What can I do to make it as smooth as possible?

We would recommend no changes are made to your site during the migration process e.g. updating pages etc.

Should I notice any differences?

Some older components may not work so it is possible you may need to update your code to take this into account.

Will you move all my email accounts?

Yes, we will.

Do I need to do anything?

You may need to update your DNS if we don’t have access to do it for you and we would also recommend you test your site and email work after the move.

What do I need to change the nameservers to?

When we email you to confirm the migration has been done. They need to be changed to:


This will take up to 24 hours to fully work.

Will there be any changes in price?

No the price for your hosting will remain the same, you will however get additional resources e.g. diskspace / bandwidth on the new server

How do I access webmail?

You go to webmail.yourdomain . If for example your domain is tomscars.com then your webmail address will be webmail.tomscars.com

My email has stopped working, can you help?

The most probable reason your email may not be working now is because you may have been using an IP address for the old email server. Ensure that your mail client (Outlook/Mac Mail/Thunderbird) is using the following details:

Incoming Server Name: mail.mydomain.com (replace with your domain) or use pweb4.active-ns.com

IMAP Port: 993

POP3 Port: 995


Outgoing Server Name: mail.mydomain.com (replace with your domain) or use pweb4.active-ns.com

Port: 465