16 January 2024

We require all our customers to verify the email address linked to their billing account. This is needed to make sure the email address is correct, owned by you and working.

You see a “please verify your email address” banner in your billing account if your email address is unverified. To verify your address, simply click the Resend Verification Email button and click the “verify your email address” link in the verification email.

A screenshot of the banner you see in your billing account if your email address has not been verified. If has a button that reads: Resend Verification Email.
You will see this banner in your billing account if your email address is unverified.

How we use your email address

We use your email address to send you invoices and important information, such as emails about planned maintenance and price changes. Additionally, we use your email address when you open a support ticket.

Your email address is not used for marketing purposes unless you have joined our mailing list. You can check if you are on the mailing list via the My Details page:

  • Click on your user name in the top-right corner.
  • Select My Details from the drop-down list.
  • Check the Join our mail listing setting at the bottom of the page.

Alternatively, you can go straight to billing.catalyst2.com/clientarea.php?action=details.