Last updated: 2 March 2022

We offer a full range of hosting plans. This article talks about our shared, premium and reseller hosting packages. Information about Virtual Private Servers and dedicated servers can be found here.

What you need to host a website

You need two things to host a website:

  • A hosting package provides the storage space for your website and/or email on a server that is connected to the internet.
  • A domain name is the website address via which people can visit your website.

You can purchase both a hosting package and domain name from us. It is also possible to have one of the two with us and the other with a different company. In that case it is important that the DNS for your domain is set up correctly. We can help with that if needed.

Linux or Windows?

When you buy a hosting package you can choose either a Linux or Windows hosting package.

  • Linux is by far the most popular server operating system. It is the best choice for both static websites and sites that use PHP and/or MySQL/MariaDB. We also recommend Linux for content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla and Drupal (as they all use PHP and MySQL).
  • Windows is the best choice if you are going to use Windows-specific languages such as ASP or if you need a MSSQL database.

Our Linux hosting plans use cPanel as the hosting control panel. cPanel provides a friendly interface for things like managing website files, databases and email accounts. You can learn more about the control panel in the cPanel section of our knowledgebase.

For Windows we use the Plesk control panel, which offers most of the functionality of cPanel.

Types of hosting packages

We offer a three different types of hosting plans:

  • Standard / Shared hosting packages are an affordable hosting solution. You get all the basics, including email accounts and databases. Some advanced features such as SSH access are not available.
  • Premium hosting packages are ideal for customers who have outgrown standard hosting packages. Each premium web server hosts no more than 30 websites and SSH, NodeJS and git are all available.
  • Reseller hosting packages are designed to let you host a large number of domains. This is ideal if you want to offer web hosting to your clients. If you are not familiar with reseller hosting, we got lots of information in the WHM for resellers section.

As you would expect, you can get a free Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate with all our hosting plans.

What resources do you need?

For each type of hosting you can choose what resources you need. For instance, we got five standard / shared hosting plans:

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  • The number of hosted domains is the number of websites you can host on a single package. If you get a hosting plan that lets you host more than one domain then you can add additional domains as addon domains.
  • The amount of disk space is the amount of space you get for your website files, database and email.
  • The amount of data transfer is your monthly bandwidth limit. When people visit your website data is transferred between the “client” and the “server”. How much bandwidth you need mainly depends on how many visitors your website gets and whether or not visitors download lots of large files, such as images and videos.
  • Each hosting package has a finite number of POP or IMAP email accounts you can set up. If you want to have one or more email addresses for your domain name then you should check if a hosting plan offers enough mailboxes.

Please feel free to contact us if you are not sure which hosting package best suits your needs.

Upgrading or downgrading a hosting package

You can switch to a different hosting plan at any time. If the hosting plan is of the same hosting type then the updated (or downgrade) will be instant and won’t cause any downtime. However, switching to a different type of hosting plan is a little more involved. For instance, switching from a standard to a premium hosting plan involves migrated your website and/or email to a different server. We can of course do the migration for you, free of charge.

When you upgrade or downgrade a hosting plan the price increase (or decrease) is calculated pro rata. Any reduction in cost is automatically added to your billing account as a credit.

Product addons

It is also possible to get more resources by buying an “addon”. We offer the following addons:

  • 1 additional MySQL or MSSQL database
  • 5 extra POP/IMAP email accounts
  • 5 extra FTP accounts
  • 1 or 5GB extra bandwidth
  • 1 extra alias / parked domain
  • A dedicated SSL certificate
  • Spam filtering (for up to 10 mailboxes)

You can order addons via your billing account (select Services > View Available Addons). Alternatively, we can add any addon to your account when you submit a ticket.

Free migration

We can usually migrate your website and email from another provider to us, free of charge. Please contact our friendly support team if you would like to take up this offer.