Windows Server 2003 is finally approaching the end of its Extended Support period. This means that from 14th July 2015, Windows will no longer be issuing patches, security fixes, or updates for Windows Server 2003. Since they announced the end of the system back in 2010, many businesses have been moving away from legacy servers, and transferring to an outsourced server system. Now that the end date for the Extended Support period is only two months away, you really need to replace your server system as quickly as possible, and outsourcing is the best option for both small and large businesses. With that in mind, here are three reasons you should replace your Windows 2003 servers.

1. Security

Once Microsoft ends its Extended Support period for Windows Server 2003 in July this year, security updates will no longer be available. This means that if, in the future, a security flaw is exposed in Windows Server 2003, there will not be a security fix released to amend it, which leaves your data and network at the hands of hackers, business rivals, and cyber-criminals. Additionally, outsourcing your server needs is far securer than using Windows Server 2003 or any other legacy server system. At catalyst2, our dedicated server packages comes with a number of security features to keep your data safe, including Fortinet firewalls, automated security patching, and extra physical security features.

2. Flexibility

In today’s competitive, ever-changing marketplace, flexibility is key to the success of any business. Unlike legacy servers, which are not known for their flexibility, our dedicated server packages are totally flexible, and is able to change alongside your business as it grows. The VMware system can be altered at a moment’s notice to accommodate spikes in demand or a sudden influx of users. This flexibility also means that you will never pay for more than you need, which is often the case for businesses using Windows Server 2003 or other legacy server systems.

3. Reliability

Outsourcing your servers to a dedicated server system is also far more reliable than using legacy servers. We’ve already pointed out that Microsoft will soon end its support period for Windows Server 2003, meaning that if any major flaws in the system were to appear, it wouldn’t develop a patch to fix them. This means that after July, you can’t ever fully rely on the system to keep your business up and running.

All the Windows 2003 servers currently at catalyst2 are in the process of being phased out / migrated to newer systems, well ahead of the deadline, if you have any queries, please feel free to let us know.