If you’re launching your small business and require an online presence there are several things that you have to think about. You’ll want to make sure that you’re making the most of every post and ad that you create, and there are so many different ways for you to do this. First, you have to set up a website, create social media accounts and create content that you feel will thoroughly and accurately reflect your brand image. But perhaps one of the most important things that you have to do is make sure that you have set up an email address. 

Finding the right email address is one of the most important things that you will create for your online presence for several reasons. First and foremost being that you can’t create a website without an email address and having a dedicated business email separated from your personal one can make things a lot easier. Not only this but an email address is a vital form of communication with your customers. While some customers still prefer to communicate on the phone, the ease and convenience of emails mean that they are fast becoming more popular. After all, your customers won’t have to sit on hold till a customer service representative is available to speak to, you can communicate at a time that is convenient for both of you and let your customer go about their day.

So you’re looking for an email address? But how do you find the right one for your business? Then we at catalyst2 are here to help. A business email is not quite the same as a personal email, which usually includes your name plus @serviceprovider.com. But for your business, you’ll want to find something a little more specific that will properly represent your brand. This could include employee name or position plus @yourcompanyname.com. We can offer you fully supported, UK based hosting giving you the perfect email address for your business. With our packages, you’ll be able to create an email address that functions just the way you want it with the flexibility to block spammers and prioritise emails from your customers.

How Can Custom Email Hosting Help you?


  • An Independent Email Address Boosts your Credibility

In the modern world, there are so many businesses just like yours that can offer many of the same services. At this point, the difference between getting a client and not getting the client is reputation and service. So you need to prove yourself to be reliable and professional, a step above your competition. What your customers see is how they will perceive you and you don’t get a second chance at a first impression, which is why your online presence is so important. While your email address might seem like a little and unnecessary factor in the wider scheme of your online presence, it could well be the decisive factor between your customer choosing you and choosing someone else.

So how does your email hosting do this? Well, your email address is a part of your brand and, like every other part of your brand image, you’ll want to make sure that you choose an email address that presents you in a way that will build credibility and rapport with your potential customers. While there is ostensibly nothing wrong with using a free, personal account for your business, your image will be considered to be less professional. Your customers may well perceive you as a less experienced start-up or even a scam and will, in turn, start looking for other options. Creating a business email address with the help of your email hosting at catalyst2 will help you to avoid such confusion and concern and help you to build trust with your potential customers. It is a crucial step in building up your online presence and business’ standing.

  • Forms Part of your Marketing Strategy

Your email address is more than just a way for your customers to contact you, they are a way to present your business. From your email signature to your business card and your website, your email will crop up all over your work. This means that it is a vital part of your marketing strategy and you’ll need an email address that works for you. Like the rest of your business’ marketing strategy, you’ll want to make sure that your email address is exactly what you need. 

But the role of your email within a marketing strategy is more than just about creating a memorable form of communication. A good business email allows you to create effective email marketing campaigns that won’t find their way into a spam fold. Email boxes usually scan through the incoming emails and filter out the ones that they believe pose a risk to the person you’re emailing. 

A less than legitimate-looking email address puts your marketing emails straight into the spam box, so working with our quality email hosting will ensure that your customers will actually receive the emails you’re sending them. And, of course, actually receiving the emails will increase your chances of a successful marketing campaign. No matter how small your business is, the right email hosting will help you to grow and evolve into the business you were always meant to be.

  • Can Help to Standardise your Business Emails

When you build up your business, you want to create an image that is standardised across all of your employees. Your customers should feel confident that they are speaking to people from the same company no matter who they are transferred to while working with you. One of the main issues with harnessing a personal email address for your business is the fact that you only have one email address, for example yourbusinessname@gmail.com. This is not a problem when your business only consists of one person but as you grow and develop, you’ll need to have more than one email address. In fact, each of your employees should have their own email address.

Having a business email from a reliable email host allows you to do this. You can create email addresses for individual employees and departments depending on your needs. As a result, your customers will be able to message your company with confidence, knowing that the different departments and individuals they’re speaking to are all unified under the same company and domain name. 

What Can We Offer you?

Here at catalyst2, we can make sure that you have everything your business needs to get your online presence underway. This includes out quality emailing hosting with your own domain and name. This professional service can offer you more than just a singular email address, we can add as many as you need, whenever you need them. This gives your company limitless potential to grow your staff and, of course, your profits. 

Your email will soon become crucial to your business, and we know that the last thing that you need or want is for your email to go down. As such, we’re committed to making sure that you have our full support. Not only can we offer you the advice and support you need while setting up your email hosting, but our support team will be available to help you whenever you need them, especially amid an emergency. 

This 24/7 support also extends to being able to control your company accounts, adding and deleting them as your employees come and go. With our email hosting, you’ll have everything you need to build up your relationships with your customers and grow your business.

Some Frequently Asked Questions About our Email Hosting

  • Do you Need a Domain Name to Use One of our Hosting Packages?

The main reason you’ll want to work with one of our email hosting packages is to help align your communications with your domain name. This is what helps to create a cohesive brand image, an important part of your marketing strategy and business growth. If you don’t yet have a domain name, then don’t worry, our team at catalyst2 can also offer you an excellent web hosting service. We can help you to put together the perfect domain name and email address to get your business’ online presence rolling.

  • Do we Help with Spam Protection?

Time is money and your business can’t afford to wade your way through your junk mail. To help you avoid this, we can help you with your spam protection. All of our email hosting packages offer you this protection and we can customise it to ensure that you only receive the emails that you need This added feature not only helps to save you time throughout the day, but it can also make sure that your business is protected from viruses, worms and malware, which can sneak into your system through unsolicited, spam emails. Making sure that your business is well looked after is one of our top priorities, and offering quality spam protection is just one of the many ways that we do this.

  • Where Can you Access your Email Box from?

We know that there will be times when your office is wherever you are, which is why having flexibility for your email hosting is key. We’ve made sure that you can stay connected on the move by being able to access your inbox from any device including your mobile phone. This is ideal for when you’re working on the go or just need to answer an email on your way home. 

The right email address is invaluable to a small business and it is certainly not something that should be ignored. So, if you’d like to find out more about our email hosting packages and how they can transform your business, then you should get in touch with our team today. You can give us a call on 0800 107 7979 to find out more.