Getting your business online is simultaneously an incredibly simple yet incredibly complicated process. Build-your-own-website services make it super easy for you to build a website specifically for your business, so you can get started quickly and on your own terms. But once you look below the surface of your website, things become a little more complicated. 

A website is more than just a series of glossy pages and readable copy, it’s actually a collection of HTML files that are stored on a server and are accessed using specific domain addresses. This is quite a complicated process, with lots of tiny details that can make all the difference to the way your website operates. One of which is the server, which stores, processes and delivers the content.

Servers are the area of expertise of our team at catalyst2 and we offer customers a variety of different services to suit their needs. We know the importance of finding the right web server for your needs and we would be happy to help you to find the right one for you. We would be happy to introduce you to these servers and the vitally important role that they will have in your online presence. A proper understanding of these servers will be an excellent foundation for your online presence and allow you to make the most of your website. 

How do Web Servers Work?

Web servers are the linchpin of website hosting as they hold and protect the data produced by your website and handle the delivery of the site’s content to those requesting it. Without the right server, it would be impossible for your customers to access your website. When someone wants to access your website, their computer, through a web browser like Google Chrome, it will send a request to your server. Once this request is received, your server will accept the request, find the content and send it back to the browser. It is a vital step in the creation and popularity of your website. 

At this point in the development of the online world, there is a certain level of expectation from your customers. They expect a fast running website that is easy to navigate and won’t lag in a way that is deemed frustrating. This is the responsibility of the server, which will facilitate this communication. The speed is often determined by the amount of server space that you have and the number of people attempting to access your website simultaneously. Often websites can crash if the number of people requesting access to the website exceeds the capacity of the server, which is something that you’ll want to avoid. 

But this isn’t all your web server is designed to do. Your web server has several other functions as well, like sending and receiving emails, downloading requests for File Transfer Protocol, building and publishing web pages. Fundamentally, web servers are designed to support your online presence, making it easy for you to communicate with your customers and offer them an easy service.

What is the Role of a Web Server?

  • Keeps your Server Operational

You never know when a customer might request access to your website. While you might think that no one will visit your website in the early hours, the reality is that people will, especially because globalisation allows people from all over the world to access your website at any time. As a result of this, you’ll need to have your website fully operational all the time. This full accessibility reflects your business’ reliability and predictability, increasing your chances; even subconsciously, of making a sale. 

It’s important for you to keep your website up and running and the key to that is web servers. Our web servers are designed to do this, going above and beyond to keep your website online no matter what. Even if one of our servers goes down, the system is designed to immediately transfer your service to the backup server. This backup server is designed to work in exactly the same way as your main server, you’re not going to lose out during the switch. And don’t worry, we’ll get you back onto your main server as soon as we can.

  • Keeps your Website Speeds High

There is nothing more frustrating than a slow loading website and slow speeds always seem to occur when you’re in a hurry. You might be surprised to know just how much your server can impact your website loading speeds. An overloaded website or a website without the proper space can impact the load speed, decreasing the willingness of your customers to stay or visit your website again.

Fortunately, our server packages can help you to avoid the risks of a slow loading website. Our service can work on a sliding scale, ensuring that you have enough server space to manage the number of visitors without slowing the loading speeds. Because of the sliding scale, you can increase your server space when you need it and reduce it to a more affordable package during your down seasons. It’s flexible and reliable, which is vital for keeping your business going. 

  • Easy to get Started

Stepping into the world of the world wide web can be daunting but our servers make it really easy for you to create your online presence. Our servers are all installed at our secure facility, so they’re ready for you to start working with immediately. There’s no need to worry about the installation, location or maintenance of your web server, so you can set up your online presence in no time at all. Our expert team can walk you through the entire web hosting process.

  • It Cares for your Data

Once you get your business online, you’ll find yourself collecting a significant amount of data from your customers. It is vitally important that you properly care for this data, not just for the sake of your customers, but also for the sake of your business. Data protection laws require you to properly protect and care for the data that you receive, ensuring that it doesn’t end up in the wrong hands.

Our server packages come with the right security for your collected data. This security protects your business from natural disasters and malicious attacks, ensuring that your data is as secure as possible. This includes firewalls, encryptions, physical security, and 24/7 monitoring from our team. Our service will spot any issues before they escalate, offering you the security that your business deserves.

Want to Speak to Our Experts?

To find out more about our web servers and the different packages that we offer, feel free to get in touch with our team today. No two businesses are exactly alike and we want to ensure that you have the right server for your online presence, which is why we have many different packages available. We would be happy to answer any questions that you might have and help you to find the right package for the needs of your business. With years of experience and a high quality service behind us, we know that we can get you online and on the path to success.