There are many different web servers available; shared, dedicated and cloud hosting, all of which come with their own benefits and drawbacks. But one useful form of hosting which is often overlooked is the managed VPS. VPS stands for virtual private server and it is a versatile system that suits online businesses in several Industries. Here at catalyst 2, we’re all about helping your business online. 

We offer fantastic packages for web hosting, ensuring that you have the right package for your needs. One of our most popular server packages is a managed VPS hosting, which we can specifically tailor to your needs. For example, if you need higher user traffic rates or know that you’ll be sharing more files than the average, we can ensure that your package is adjusted accordingly. As a result, your site should function as it should, giving both you and your website visitors exactly what you’ve been looking for. 

Exploring Managed VPS Hosting

As you might have already gathered from the name of this server, a managed VPS is a service that we manage for you. Because the server is virtual, it is kept on our secure site rather than in your office building. Its virtual nature will not impact your speeds at all. In fact, our service is just as fast and efficient as an in-office server. And, because we manage your server, we also look after all of the server maintenance, including any updates, installations, backups and security. 

Our managed VPS hosting is designed to ease your workload and help you improve your business beyond your initial expectations. Here at catalyst2 we have more than two decades of experience in the industry, so you don’t need to rely on your experience or that of your employees to keep your server running it best. With a managed VPS hosting, you’ll never have to worry about your service going down or running slowly because we have it covered. 

Is it Different from a Shared Server?

Technically speaking, managed VPS hosting is a shared server. This means that you will be sharing your physical server with other businesses. However, this package is a step up from our standard shared server packages. It is designed to offer businesses more room to grow with fewer restrictions on their access and their download speeds. Our VPS servers are designed to act like dedicated servers while offering you the more affordable prices of a shared server.

Think of it like owning a flat. While there are other flats in your building, your space is your own to renovate and decorate as you need. The shared facilities will always stay the same but that doesn’t mean your private space is being infringed on. With managed VPS hosting you’ll have your own resources, with enough bandwidth and storage to maintain your high-quality customer experience. 

Why Choose Managed VPS Hosting?

  • Offers the Best of Both Worlds

One of the main reasons that our customers turn to VPS hosting is because it offers the best of both worlds. You get to harness the benefits of additional resources without having to over stretch your budget. And, the personalised managed service means that you don’t need to have a specialist in house constantly maintaining your server space. This can be a game changer, allowing you to really level up your online presence without having to stretch your budget too far. It’s perfectly balanced for all businesses

  • Personalised to your Needs

One thing we’ve learnt over the years is that no two businesses require the same hosting service. Every Business is unique and has different requirements from their online presence, something that we try to take into consideration with our managed VPS hosting. Some clients require more resources at certain times of the year, especially during their peak seasons. We can offer a service that allocates more resources to your server during certain months to help manage the influx of customers and when you no longer need them, we can reduce them.

  • We Manage the Day to Day Maintenance 

Whilst there are options for unmanaged hosting services, we wouldn’t recommend them. Unmanaged services mean that you are solely responsible for the condition of your server, which can be stressful for those that don’t have a technical background. This is why we would always recommend choosing managed VPS hosting. Our team knows all about server maintenance and we know how to spot problems before they escalate. This specialist expertise can stop problems before they even begin, keeping your business and your customers safe from accidental or malicious damage. 

  • More Affordable Option than Hosting your Own Server

Hosting your own server can be a serious drain on your resources. Not only do you have to pay for the server initially, but it will also increase your energy bills in the long run. Additionally, you’ll need to hire an IT specialist to maintain your server and ensure that there is room in your budget in case you need to replace parts in the server. Our service will be more affordable for you than purchasing and hiring all this, as we have offered service for a single, consistent amount month. 

  • Offers Excellent Security Features

We take our security very seriously because we know how important it is for you. Not only do we have careful physical security at our exceptional server site but we also have proper firewalls and IPS protection, to ensure that you are properly protected from any malicious attacks that you might be facing. Not only is this useful in a practical way, but our security can also take a weight off your mind, allowing you to focus on the other parts of your business.

Would you Like to Speak to Our Specialists?

Should you have any questions about our managed VPS hosting and how it can fit neatly into your working life, then feel free to contact our team at catalyst2. We would be more than happy to help you in any way that we can and look forward to speaking with you.