As the world of business online continues to grow, so does the number of different platforms, solutions and software that makes it all possible. Especially with e-commerce, there more developers are releasing their solutions, with one of the most popular now being Prestashop. Like with any other website, a Prestashop website still needs to be hosted online, so here are just a few reasons how here at catalyst2, we can help with Prestashop hosting in the UK. 

A brief overview of Prestashop

Prestashop is an e-commerce platform with currently over 300,000 members world-wide. As an open-source solution, it means that web developers can easily access the platform to create their website as feature-rich as they would like, though overall, it’s still a very easy, flexible and functional e-commerce store to get a grasp of. Due to this, it’s considered as one of the very best open-source e-commerce platforms, where it’s likely to gain even more traction in the future due to the growing popularity of e-commerce business models. 

Having said all of that, one of the minor downsides of a Prestashop site is that you are required to find your own web hosting for the website to be visible on the internet, which is where we can help. 

Who we are

Having been established since early 2000, we have gained a glowing reputation for ourselves as one of the more popular hosting providers, where we are soon becoming a leading provider for Prestashop hosting in the UK. Throughout our time as a business, we have been fortunate enough to work with a large sum of clients, which has enabled us to continue to thrive and advance our services to guarantee the very best quality service possible. 

How we can help

  • Dedicated servers

Having your website hosting is vital, though having it on an appropriate web server is also just as important to guarantee the very best hosting packages possible. We utilise dedicated servers to guarantee that all data, information and files are completely safe and protected whilst you having your Prestashop website hosting with us. Not just that, but all of our dedicated servers include full back-ups, complete management and firewalling protection. 

  • Guaranteed uptime

It’s near enough impossible for any Prestashop hosting provider in the UK to guarantee 100% uptime, though we are proud to say that we offer 99.9% uptime throughout the year. If you didn’t know already, this is vital for any website, especially for an online shop where you could easily lose business over a few minutes of your website being down, which is why finding a web host provider with high uptime is vital. 

  • Fast and friendly customer support

When you are dealing with any web host provider, you want their support team to be friendly, approachable and most of all, helpful. Since our establishment, customer support has been one of our number one priorities, which is why we offer 24/7 support to ensure that our team of experts are on hand to deal with your issue when needed. Not just that, but we have several support lines within each department that we offer, meaning you can connect with the people that will help you the most. 

Contact us today

So if you are keen on speaking to catalyst2 regarding Prestashop hosting in the UK, don’t hesitate to get in touch today. You can reach our sales team on 0800 107 7979 (option 1), where they will be happy to confer about your needs so that we can recommend the most suitable hosting packages that we have on offer. Alternatively, you can also email with any questions or queries, where you can expect one of our specialists to be in touch shortly after to assist.