Go, also referred to as Golang, is an open-source, statically typed programming language. It was developed by Google for simplicity, high performance, efficiency and readability. The reasons for its development are rooted in a desire to simplify the more complex codebases within Google.

The fact that this language seemingly has two names can be confusing, as some people assume the two are separate developments. However, the reason why Go is often referred to as Golang is quite simple: the official website address at the time of launch was golang.org, which worked better for SEO purposes than ‘Go’ on Google.

When was Go/Golang released?

Go was designed by Rob Pike, Robert Griesemer and Ken Thompson, each of whom had previously shared a dislike for C++. After its announcement to the public in 2009, Go was made open source when the first version was released in 2012.

Since then, Go has risen in popularity and has fast become the first choice for developers on account of its simplicity and ability to run multiple tasks at once. It is used in a variety of applications, including cloud-based programming, back end (server side) development, game development and data science. It is also a popular choice in the development of command-line tools.

Are there any big names that use Golang?

Some of the world’s largest technology giants use Go/Golang. These include the likes of Netflix, Dropbox, Docker, Kubernetes, Ethereum, and of course Google. It should come as no surprise that many cloud-based companies favour Go, as simplifying the cloud was one of the main reasons for the project coming into existence.

Should I learn Golang?

Golang is one of the most simplistic programming languages available. It’s therefore easy to pick up if you already have rudimentary knowledge of other programming languages. It’s so easy that it is actually possible to learn the fundamentals of Go in a single sitting. As a result, Go has jumped from the 10th to the fifth most-loved language for programming, according to a developer survey undertaken by StackOverflow.

Why is Golang a popular choice?

Quite simply, you can get a lot done with Go. It is a multipurpose language, which means it can be used for a variety of different things including web development, cloud computing and more. If you’re looking to kickstart a career in cloud-based programming, or looking to enhance your existing skills you should consider learning Go. This is because some of the world’s largest platforms support it.

Go developers are currently the third-highest paid (after Perl and Scala respectively), and the earnings potential of Go developers is continuing to grow year-on-year as it is increasingly adopted as the language of choice for projects of all sizes.

As a powerful programming language, Go is clearly here to stay. If you’ve not already tried your hand at Go, you can do so by installing it for Windows, Linux, macOS and more for free.

Can catalyst2 provide hosting for Golang?

Go hosting with catalyst2 is the perfect way to deploy your applications on a private virtual server or dedicated server. We understand that when you want to deploy your project, high availability is of the utmost importance. As an award-winning UK managed hosting provider, you can rely on us.

Each of our managed servers comes with full management, a dedicated account manager, security updates, 24/7 support based in the UK and free migration. If you’d like more information on how catalyst2 can offer professionalism and peace of mind for your Golang hosting, please feel free to contact us today and we’ll be happy to discuss your requirements.