The internet is one of those things that are always changing and evolving, and every so often, someone comes up with an idea that will truly revolutionise the online world. Easy to build web packages from places like WordPress are just one example of this. If you’ve got the next great idea that will transform how people create websites, then your first step towards getting your new business off the ground is finding the right reseller hosting in the UK.

If you’re new to the industry, you’ve probably got a lot of questions about what reseller hosting is and why it’s so important to your new business plan. Before you start opening countless tabs to make multiple online searches, our team at catalyst2 have put together this helpful guide to everything you need to know about reseller hosting. We can walk you through what it is, what the main advantages are and how our team of experts can help you. 

We hope we can clarify and answer your questions about reseller hosting in the UK, so read on for clarity and for peace of mind.

What is Reseller Hosting?

This is the place to start when understanding the full implications of reseller hosting in the UK. And to put it really simply, reseller hosting is a service provided by a host that allows a person or business to sell web hosting services of their own. This is so important for your business idea because it’s likely that you’re going to want to sell websites and website hosting services to your customers, making it easy for them to take advantage of your step into the future. As a result, you’ll want to become a reseller host, working with a company, like catalyst2, to provide your customers with the corner of the internet that they really need. 

If you’re not sure how this works, then we can explain. You’ll be able to work with a fantastic host, like ourselves, who will offer you access to the hosting space on a wholesale basis. This makes it easy for you to sell your ideas onwards to your customers using your own branding and designs. Your resell can easily be marked up to cover the cost of your ideas and time but the fact that you brought them at a wholesale price will keep it at a reasonable price for your customers. What’s more, you’ll be able to set your own conditions for your hosting space, allowing you to operate them as you see fit. 

While this might sound really complicated the process is actually incredibly simple and we’ll be able to walk you through the entire process from start to finish. We’ll be able to set you up with the right reseller package for you and your business plan, making it easy for you to get your business up and running. Whatever your plans are for global internet domination, reseller hosting is a great place to start.

What are the Benefits of Reseller Hosting?

  • Simple Place to Start

There are lots of things to keep an eye on when you’re starting up a business of any sort. This means that there is a lot of stress at times and reseller hosting can help to make things a little easier for you. Typically you’ll be given access to an admin console and other admin packages which means that you have control over your allocated disk space and bandwidth. 

With all the right tools to keep your customers happy in one space, you’ll be able to relax in the knowledge that at least one thing is stress-free. The flexibility of this plan allows you to create your own hosting plans for your clients, to manage traffic, advertising and every other aspect of your web hosting. In short, it gives you all the benefits of having your own hosting system without having to find your own hardware or software. 

  • Easy to Use

Sometimes customers are concerned that setting up as a reseller host in the UK will be difficult. But the reality is that it couldn’t be simpler. If you’ve set up your own shared hosting for a website, then you’ll be able to set up reseller hosting; the process is very similar. In fact, the main difference between the two is that you’re setting up your own framework with reseller hosting rather than just a domain, email and website. This means that, in reality, it couldn’t be easier for you to create your own reseller hosting in the UK. 

  • You Have cPanel Management

There’s nothing better than cPanel Management when it comes to reseller hosting (and web hosting in general). It allows you to easily manage your space with finite control over the packages that you resell. Not only does this mean that you have control over your hosting in the UK, but you’ll also be able to maintain service levels and spot issues before you arrive. With cPanel Management you’ll be able to create the perfect experience for your customers, who all benefit from your easy and attentive management.

  • Easily Scalable

When you’re looking to get your business off the ground, you’ll want reseller hosting that is going to match where you’re at. Paying for too much will keep your overheads high, making it difficult for you to get off the ground and make any sort of margin. If you decide to branch out on your own without the stability of reseller hosting, then you might find yourself quickly overwhelmed, stopping your business before it ever really started. But our reseller hosting packages allow you to start small and expand as your business grows. This service is virtual, quick and effortless, allowing you to move at your speed, which is so important for your business.

Why Choose catalyst2? 

We want to make our business as accessible to start-ups as possible, which is why we’re committed to being as affordable as possible. Our reseller packages start at just £25 per month. With such affordable prices, you’ll be able to get started in almost no time at all, and you always have the option to up your package if you need to. These prices are some of the best on the market, but we don’t trade our quality for affordability. For these affordable prices, you’ll still have the high-quality service that you desire.

We have an excellent reputation as a leading reseller hosting platform because of our commitment to our customers and our consistently excellent work. We have a range of first-class packages that will meet all of your needs and the needs of your clients. As a result of our attentive service, you’ll be able to focus on building the right sites for your clients, happy in the knowledge that you can rely on your reseller hosting. 

Want to Find out More?

If you’re interested in finding out more about what our team can offer you in terms of reseller hosting plans in the UK, then get in touch with us today. You can give us a call on 0800 107 7979 and we would be more than happy to offer you the advice that you need to make a properly informed decision. We look forward to hearing from you.