Should you be a company in the retail industry, your chances of success are drastically reduced if you do not have a significant online presence, and this isn’t possible without having a high quality website. However, it is important to note that there is not one web hosting plan which is suitable for everyone – it is important to choose a server which benefits your type of firm.

For those that didn’t already know, we are catalyst2. When it comes to providing a high-quality web hosting service, none are about to match our expertise. If you are someone that is new to this, and is looking for a comprehensive breakdown of the most important details, allow us to provide you with a helpful explanation.

What is hosting?

Although you may not realise it, websites do not simply magically appear on the Internet, as there are various processes involved. However, perhaps one of the most important steps when getting the site live is finding a proficient web host. At its most basic level, this entails specialist technology which allows other internet users to be able to see your website. Whilst there are many people that believe that hosting applies specifically to websites, it is important to acknowledge that virtual databases, as well as email accounts, are also required to be hosted in order to work. 

If you look at the top of any webpage, you will see what is known as a URL, or a web-address. Within this is a domain name, which you are typically required to own before you are able to host your site. Before moving forward, it is advisable that you ensure that you have a comprehensive understanding of the difference between web hosting and a domain name. 

Simplified, domain names were created as an easier-to-understand alternative to IP addresses; whilst computers can immediately process complex combinations of numbers, humans require a more basic method of understanding. The art of web hosting is specifically related to the way in which websites are published – the technology and software involved in this is tailor-made to be able to transfer files to users with ease.


What are the different types of hosting?



Cloud-based systems have recently seen a spike in popularity – much of this is down the convenience factor that is exhibited. In relation to hosting, this effectively means that rather than having all data stored on a single physical unit, it is instead spread across various global units. Should you be unfortunate enough to suffer from downtime on your website, thanks to the various servers, the detrimental effects will be minimal. 

The likelihood is that whilst you may have heard of a virtual private server, this is a type of server that finds a balance between a dedicated and shared server. Whilst it still retains a sense of its individuality, thanks to having its own space, it is stored on a physical server amongst countless other websites. This is an option typically adopted by slightly smaller businesses, and due to their slightly reduced level of traffic, the server can adequately cope without being overloaded, which would subsequently affect the overall performance of the various sites. 

Should you be a firm that is slightly more accomplished and established, you are more likely going to require a more sophisticated system. If this is the case, look no further than a dedicated server host. This is a system which is exclusive to your website, allowing for a better overall service; wait times are drastically reduced, and your website will run smoother.

What is Magento hosting?

If you are a retailer that has a strong online presence, you are known as a company which deals in Ecommerce. This means that you facilitate the buying and/or selling of products via the Internet. Websites for these types of companies tend to be significantly different to more traditional ones, due to the number of pages that is required to showcase the various units. It is in instances such as these that, instead of classic web hosting options, Magento is utilised. 

One of the primary features which is exhibited by Magento-based servers is the sheer speed at which they operate. As one may imagine, a vast quantity of web pages requires an extremely powerful server; it is for this reason that Magento was developed. Never again will you have to worry about your website struggling to handle traffic at peak times; this is particularly important for Ecommerce sites, due to their website being an integral part of how they make a profit. 

Another factor which allows a Magento-based website to stand out amongst the rest of the competition is its ability to adapt, and subsequently grow. Most web-hosting servers are fairly rigid in their composition, meaning that there is not much room for adapting. Thanks to the state-of-the-art software which is embedded, your site has the opportunity to change over time without any detrimental impact due to the capacity of the server. 

It is important to recognise that even within Magento, there are different options to choose between. There is an argument to be made for both managed and unmanaged – it simply depends on the direction that you are looking to go in, as well as the budgetary restrictions that you are trying to operate within. To put it simply, a managed plan includes a greater level of support, meaning that it is typically opted for by those that are self-confessed novices to the online world. 

Backups are programmed and subsequently carried out automatically, meaning that much of the responsibility is taken off of you, the company. On the other hand, an unmanaged service means that much of the focus is on you, for example, taking care of errors and installation will fall upon you. It is worth noting that, here at catalyst2, we are one of the finest providers of managed Magento hosting, so you don’t need to worry about being left to your own devices.

What are the benefits of Magento?

In terms of performance, it is hard to think of a more proficient service than that which is provided by Magento UK hosting. Speed, as previously mentioned, is superior to all other options on the market, meaning that crashes will be few-and-far between. 

Thanks to the processing power exhibited by Magento sites, customisable features are easy to introduce. Pages that have countless products on them will remain smooth to operate. This directly links to the general power of the website, so waiting times will be a thing of the past for customers, which will encourage them to utilise your services again in the future. 

For some companies, ensuring that their websites are optimised for mobile devices can be extremely difficult, so by using Magenta, you will find the transition seamless. You will also be pleased to hear that this will not have an adverse effect on the on-screen visuals, which will remain of the highest quality.

Those who are familiar with SEO practices will understand the importance of looking to move up the rankings of different search engines. Whilst this in part is affected by the content that you upload to your website, there is also much to be said for ensuring that you use the right methods when describing your products on each page. This is where Magenta truly comes into its own; simultaneously creating URLs which conform to top-tier SEO methodology and utilising in-depth detailed product descriptions, you will be able to reap multiple rewards by investing in this web-hosting server.

About catalyst2

The world of web hosting is a complex one, there are various options available, and sometimes it can be quite tricky to find the right plan for you. It is for this reason that it is important to choose a hosting company that has a number of different services to offer, so that they can best serve your requirements. If you are someone that is attempting to find a firm that has an array of web hosting packages, the first name that should come to mind is that of catalyst2.

With twenty years worth of experience in providing hosting services, you will be hard-pressed to be able to source a company that can match our level of specialist knowledge. Our mission, since day one, has been to offer hosting plans that are flexible, meaning that each-and-every one of our clients are able to enjoy a service that is tailored to them. We hope that the countless Trustpilot testimonials that we have received over the years will highlight the high level of service we can provide.

To us, it does not matter if you are interested in a web hosting service, such as managed Magento hosting, or you are looking to obtain a cloud server for your website. We simply care about ensuring that all those that come to us are left smiling-and-satisfied by our services. We understand that you may wish to ask some questions regarding how we can be of assistance. Our representatives will be more than happy to discuss, in-depth, the benefits of our services; you simply need to follow the instructions laid out on our website’s contact page