Have you come to the realisation that your business’ technical capabilities are what is letting it down, and therefore want to invest in long-overdue improvements? Would you like to enlist the help of a company which, above all-else, values your satisfaction? When you decide to solicit the services of catalyst2, you can take the first step towards putting the aforementioned problems behind you. Having established ourselves as one of the country’s most-prominent hosting providers, we guarantee that you will be able to find a package that is right for you.

Web hosting, as we are sure you will agree, is not a type of service that is particularly straightforward, not least due to the fact that there is a seemingly-endless list from which to choose from. Thankfully, you do not have to try and make a decision on which technical service is right for you by yourself. Below, the catalyst2 specialists have taken the liberty of showcasing just some of the options that are currently available to you. Not only that, but there are also extensive descriptions that will allow you to familiarise yourself with the ins-and-outs of each service.

High-Quality Servers

If you were to take the opportunity to talk to any of our long-standing clients, we guarantee that they would tell you that primarily, we are a company that deals in state-of-the-art server packages. This is the line of work that we initially started-out in, and we have remained faithful to our roots. However, this is not to say that we have rested on our laurels; year-after-year, we have sought to enhance our capabilities, in order to better-serve our audience. This is evidenced by the fact that we can now offer you a vast-range of servers, each of which carries their own unique benefits.

By far-and-away our most popular package as of late is that which is related to cloud hosting. As we are sure you will be aware, cloud-computing solutions have seen a huge spike in popularity over the past decade, and this can be attributed to the efficient manner in which they operate. If you have any fears regarding the safety of this type of server, allow us to put these worries to bed. No longer will you be constantly at-risk of DDoS attacks, nor will hackers be able to infiltrate your system and obtain sensitive information. The security that is available to you with this type of service is ironclad, particularly if you elect to put your faith in catalyst2.

Should you be part of a company that has slightly more financial firepower, you may be willing to spend heavily on overhauling your computer systems. If this is the case, you could potentially be well-served by a dedicated server. This, as opposed to shared hosting operating systems, gives you complete-control over a solitary server. With this, you will be able to upload bespoke software as-and-when you like, without needing to factor in the way that it could impact other firm’s websites. For those of you that are trying to elevate yourselves to the next level, and believe that the key to success is having an unmatched website, this is an investment that you won’t want to overlook.

Despite all of the information that we have provided you, there may still be a few of you that are unsure as to why catalyst2 is deserving of your business. To this, we would say that the fact that we have maintained a network uptime of 99.997% is nothing short of incredible. Furthermore, we do not sacrifice speed for reliability; if you decide to utilise any of our servers, you will be able to achieve loading speeds that will put your rivals’ to shame. We are driven to succeed in any venture that we undertake, and this will come more-and-more clear as our relationship with you develops.

Server Management

Although there is nothing wrong with looking to take sole-responsibility for your website’s server, if this is a foreign concept to you there is plenty of room for mistakes to start creeping in. For example, when you release a flagship product, you will hopefully experience a large influx of customers to your site. This has the potential of being a disaster, as the loading times could start to creep up. An easy way in which to address this is to hire a third-party to act as server managers. As the name suggests, their role will revolve around keeping your server in perfect working order, as well as overseeing alterations as-and-when they are needed.

You would be amazed at the amount of time that it takes to generate and maintain server updates – these are complex pieces of machinery, and must therefore be treated with care and respect. Similarly, backing-up your server is of paramount importance, as it means that restorations can take place if something unplanned occurs. However, it is your server managers’ ability to increase power output that truly puts them into their own category. When they initially notice a spike in activity, they will reach out to you to see if you have any scheduled, such as a launch event. Should this be the case, they will move heaven-and-earth to try and maintain adequate loading times. Once the number of visitors have subsided, they will decrease the power that you are using, thereby saving you money. Despite what you may have heard, a server manager can play a vital role in the growth of your organisation.

Disaster Recovery

Picture the scene: you have invested hour-after-hour into completing updates on your website design, so that it not only looks visually-appealing, but also is convenient for the user. Suddenly, a power outage puts all of this hard work to waste – your computer crashes, and with it all of the time that you have spent on your upgrades. This is certainly not a scenario that you want to find yourself in, as it can be incredibly frustrating. Whatsmore, if left unresolved, you may also find that your business operations are drastically hindered, therefore damaging your ability to make a sustainable profit. In order to protect yourself from future-suffering, you would be better-off taking advantage of a disaster recovery package.

Arguably the best way in which to prevent your website from going-down for a sustained period of time is by making-use of multiple servers. When you have numerous server locations from which to choose from, you drastically reduce the likelihood of being involved in a critical situation. This is because your system will automatically detect when one server has gone down, and subsequently transfer to an alternate unit. In the grand scheme of things, you may not think that this holds any major significance. However, the reality of the situation is that involving yourself in a disaster recovery service can save you a substantial amount of stress and hassle further down the line,

In regards to what catalyst2 can offer you in this department, the sky’s the limit. First-and-foremost, we want to make the issue of downtime a thing of the past. You should be able to sit comfortably, knowing that whenever a prospective customer tries to access your website, they will be able to do so without any trouble. The work that we conduct here is designed to maximise your convenience – with us by your side, you will be able to remain competitive and stake your claim for a major slice of the market.

Consultancy Options

By now, you should have accepted the fact that we have an abundance of experience to call upon; no-matter the project that our clients come to us with, we are consistently able to secure results that put smiles on their faces. The time that we have spent in-business have been incredibly valuable, as they have allowed us to slowly-but-surely expand our understanding of the technical world. Here at catalyst2, we never want to turn anyone away, and we are committed to always managing to facilitate exceptional outcomes. This is why we are pleased to inform you that you can now bring our team on-board for consultation purposes.

There will undoubtedly be times that you, as a business, are stuck at a crossroads, and are unsure of which way you should turn. Case-and-point, you might have been offered the chance to switch to a different IP address, but cannot decide if this is a smart choice. Alternatively, you may be deliberating as to whether or not the inclusion of a control panel will make much of a difference in relation to your server. In situations such as these, being able to have an open-and-frank discussion with a member of the catalyst2 team will prove to be invaluable. After asking for a few details, they will gladly walk you through what they believe to be the right decision, and the reasoning behind this.

When you are planning on embarking upon a major technical project, it is natural that you will be slightly nervous. If you play your cards right, it could be possible for you to oversee changes that have a major impact in the future of your company. To try and minimise the number of risks that you need to take, it could be worthwhile having catalyst2 with you during this. Whilst you may think that your in-house IT department can handle this, it could divert their energies away from the day-to-day work that they usually focus on. By hiring us as your technical consultants, you can ensure that your time-management is second-to-none. This level of efficiency is hard to come by if you don’t have consultants in your corner.

Some Parting Words

Part of what makes working with catalyst2 such an attractive option is that there is almost no-limit in terms of what you can expect from us. The years that we have spent in this industry have allowed us to develop a well-rounded catalogue that can entice firms from various different sectors. Some of you, for instance, will be tired of searching for the best dedicated server in the country, whilst others will be on the lookout for a provider of top-tier VPS hosting in the UK. In both of these scenarios, we are able to thrive – this is what sets us apart from the rest of the competition.

You will be hard-pressed to find another hosting service that can cite having more than twenty years of experience in this field. When you come to catalyst2, you can browse through a wide-array of hosting options, safe in the knowledge that they will all be exceptional from a quality standpoint. Whatsmore, we have reached the point where our customer service capabilities are on-par with the dedicated hosting plans that we offer. This, as we are sure you will agree, is a monumental achievement, and not one to be taken for granted.

With such an immense collection of services from which to choose from, it is understandable that you might want to get in touch with us before making a final decision. Here at catalyst2, we strive to be transparent with our audience – should you have questions or queries, we want to hear from you. The last thing that we want is for you to opt for a virtual private server, only to subsequently discover that a dedicated hosting service would have been much-more appropriate. As such, if you need to talk to us, please don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and call us on 0800 107 7979.