Here at catalyst2 nothing is more important to us than you, our customers. We value your opinions, and strive to ensure our already stellar products and services are constantly evolving and improving to serve you even more effectively. To that end, we run an annual survey to gather information on customer experience. The survey includes several aspects of the business, including our Net Promoter Score (NPS) and elements such as customer support, value, and personal recommendations.

This year we’re delighted to announce that improvements have been made across the board, but more than that, there is a trend in the results.

When we compared the results of our surveys for the last eight years we are proud to say there has been consistent improvement, year after year.

Our NPS has been steadily on the rise, moving from 59 in 2009 to a happy 73 in 2016. The survey further indicates that you’re consistently more and more impressed with our support, which currently ranks at an impressive 98.6% approval rating for 2016, up from 90.1% in 2008. Better still you’ve been steadily more and more appreciative of the value we offer at catalyst2, with approval rating in this area up to 95.1%, a full 10% increase since 2008. In addition, and by far the most significant increase, comes in the form of personal recommendations. In 2008 this was a 41.4% and now personal recommendations are up to 66%.

We’re delighted that so many more of you are happy to recommend catalyst2 to your friends, family, and colleagues. We’re are very pleased that our NPS score has seen such consistent and healthy growth, and we’re beyond delighted that you value our products and services so highly. Without a doubt, however, the statistic that delights us more than any other is the 98.6% approval rating where customer support is concerned. A business is nothing without its customers, the ability to support you and your own efforts (both business and personal) is incredibly important to us. Your success is our success, your happiness and contentment our own. Knowing we’re not only providing you with quality services, but also all the support you need to make the most out of them, gives us a nice warm fuzzy glow inside.

We’re delighted to learn we have served you so well in 2016 – here’s to a fruitful and abundant 2017 for all, and another year of consistently improving catalyst2.