Information is the lifeblood of modern businesses. Companies rely on immense computing power to collect, store, and analyse essential data for vital business operations. Although some businesses still depend on on-premises servers for data processing and storage, many companies seem in favour of cloud-based IT infrastructure.

An on-prem server is a physical on-site computing system that is serviced and managed by the business. A cloud server, on the other hand, is a virtual hosted server that is maintained by the hosting service. It’s worth exploring why so many businesses nowadays prefer virtual servers to physical computers. What’s in it for you and your business should you decide on cloud migration?

Managed services

Since the hosted servers reside away from your premise, their upkeep is not your responsibility. You never have to worry about things like who is handling the server, which software is needed, and taking care of glitches. This is one of the most attractive benefits of cloud-based servers. Managed services refer to round-the-clock IT support ensuring the uninterrupted availability of your data and resources. Services rendered include:

· Server monitoring and reporting
· Upgrading and patching firmware and software
· Managing resources and networking infrastructure
· Ensuring server and data security
· Performance and error testing
· Providing backup and recovery options

Managed services ensure that your server is up to date with the latest software tools and security features. This maintains the reliability and efficiency of the server.

Most cloud providers offer managed services as part of their hosting package. Even if they don’t, the industry is awash with managed service providers (MSP) who cost a lot less to hire than an in-house IT team.

Workplace flexibility

Data and utility software like ERPs stored on a cloud server are accessible from anywhere and on most devices, provided there is an internet connection. With unrestricted access to enterprises resources, your business can be conducted from any part of the world. This means you can on-board remote workers, work while travelling, break the monotony of the conventional workplace, and improve collaborations.

Employees can efficiently work from home without necessarily having to report to work, creating a flexible work environment that boosts morale and productivity.

On-prem servers, especially in small businesses, have little flexibility if any. Many businesses refrain from linking their servers to the internet for security reasons. So in most cases, on-site servers are only accessible via a closed local network that only spans the boundaries of the premises.

Data security

Cloud servers don’t work in the same way as regular computers when it comes to storing data. To ensure safety, the data is broken down and stored across multiple physical machines with the use of sophisticated file system algorithms. What’s more, the information is passed through several layers of encryption.

Of course, this all depends on the level of security offered by the hosting provider, but data security concerns are never taken lightly on virtual servers.

Cloud services also provide backup capabilities on top of data protection. Your data remains safe and accessible even during crises such as natural disasters, power blackouts and equipment failure.

Low IT cost

IT resources are not what you’d call cheap. With cloud servers, you don’t have to invest in expensive computers and networking hardware. Not to mention, you won’t have to pay an entire IT department to manage the equipment and software.

Organisations use the cloud-server model to cut the cost of their IT requirements. You only pay for what you need, and there is always room to scale if the demand for digital performance increases as the business grows.

Make the switch to cloud servers

Cloud servers are way superior, economical, reliable and secure than on-prem servers. Cloud migration might just be the boost that your organisation needs to scale to new digital heights. The benefits we have discussed here are quite enticing from a business perspective.

Get in touch with us and learn more about migration to public and private servers. Begin your digital migration to the cloud with catalyst2 and our selection of digital solutions designed to meet your every need.